DC-Area EA-Adjacent Social Sphere Group House Capture The Declaration Of Independence (DCAEAASSGHCTDOI)

The goal is simple: Steal the Declaration of Independence.

Nicolas Cage in the movie National Treasure

Once you have it, solve the code on the back. The answer will be the login pw for this site. (neocities.org.)

Once you've solved it, log in. Edit index.html (this page!) to announce your victory. Record the old pw (so future guessers have an idea of which clues/ciphers are old). Change the pw to something new. Put a code for it on the Declaration.

Hang the Declaration in your house. The game is afoot.


  1. If you have the Declaration, you must display it somewhere prominently in your home, in an area that's accessible to guests.
  2. Please don't do crimes. By participating, you consent to having the Declaration (and possibly small fixings used to display it) stolen, but otherwise, be reasonable.
  3. Be a good sport. This is light-hearted scheming between friends, let's all be gentlefolk here.
  4. If a member of the current host household catches you stealing the Declaration in the house, you have to put it back. Once you're outside with the Declaration, it's yours.
  5. Non-destructive methods of display, theft, encoding, and decoding are preferred, but if you fuck up the Declaration of Independence, just get a new one.
  6. This is a living game; rules may change over time.


Format: #. "Team name" -- password they put down, once it's solved

1. "Give em the ol' Rozzle Dozzle" -- ????